Tournament example calculation
Calculating EVs in tournaments can get quite complex, due to all the required ICM conversions.
However, in order to give you at least sóme impression of how these calculations are performed, in this section,
we'll take a look at a relatively "simple" example that can also be done manually.
Please keep in mind though that most calculations (especially in multi-way hands) can get far more complex than this and can't be accurately done by hand.
In this example we'll take a look at how to manually calculate the EV in the following tournament spot:
- Stacks are 2000 (Cutoff), 2000 (Button), 2400 (SB), 1600 (BB)
- Prize structure is $50/$30/$20
- Blinds are 200/400
- Cutoff and button fold, SB pushes "all hands", BB calls "all hands"
See pic below.

The EV of a decision is the value of a player's stack:
- after performing
that decision
- compared to the value of his stack after folding
So, in our calculation, we will need to:
A) Determine the value of BB's stack after calling
B) Determine the value of BB's stack after folding
C) Subtract B from A
A) Calculating the value of calling
To determine the value of BB's stack after calling, we'll need to:
1) Make a list of all possible outcomes (and their stack distributions)
2) Determine the chance of each outcome
3) Use an
ICM calculator to calculate the value of BB's stack for each outcome
1) Make a list of all possible stack distributions
There's 3 distinct outcomes for BB here (BB is underlined):
- BB wins: 2000/2000/800/
- BB loses: 2000/2000/4000/
- BB ties: 2000/2000/2400/
2) Assign a chance to each outcome
We can use, for example, PokerStove to determine the chance of each outcome.
- BB wins: 47.97%
- BB loses: 47.97%
- BB ties: 4.06%
3) Use an ICM calculator to calculate the value of BB's stack for each outcome
For your convenience, the software offers an
ICM calculator.
Please go
here for more details on how to use it.
For now, here's the values of BB's stack in $ for each outcome:
- BB wins: $33.50
- BB loses: $0
- BB ties: $21.59
So, we now know the value and chance of each outcome.
We will now calculate the weighed value of BB's stack after calling:
------------------ +
B) Calculating the value of folding
The stack distribution after BB's fold would be 2000/2000/2800/
The chance of this happening would be 100%.
Using the
ICM calculator we can now calculate that the value of BB's stack after folding would be
C) Calculating the EV of calling
So, in our example, the EV of calling for BB in our spot is
In other words, if BB calls in this spot, he will lose 74 cents compared to what he would have if he just folded.
And as you can see in the screenshot on the top of this page,
-$0.74 is indeed the value found by the software for BB's call.