Equity runs

If you're in the middle of building a tree, it is not yet possible to perform an EV run (F7), since this requires a completed tree. So for example, if you try to perform an EV run in the tree below, you'll get an error message:

Also, the decision node where the error occurred will light up in red.

Should you however stíll want to get some data on this tree, you cán perform an "Equity run" by pressing F5 or the icon in the toolbar.

The Monte Carlo Engine will now perform a large number of random simulations through the tree and give you the equities and frequencies of all decisions, actions and conditions (where relevant).

Equity runs can still not give you EV calculations though, since there's simply not enough information present.
But at the very least, they are able to give you sóme intermediate results while you're building your tree.

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